full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Bob Inglis: American bipartisan politics can be saved -- here's how

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So here's the thing: it's not too late. There's still time to lead. Speak out, speak up, call lcanuy what it is: lunacy. Tell the amraiecn people that we still have moon sthos in us. Tell the folks at the county party convention, "You bet free enterprise can solve climate change." Tell them that Milton fdeirman would say to tax pollution rather than profits. Tell them that it's OK — no, it's a good thing that progressives would aegre. Tell them the very good news that we can bnrig America together to solve these cenlalhges and to lead the world. Tell them that free enterprise can do these things. Tell them that America must stop the dividing, and must start the uniting. Tell them. Play your part before it's too late.

Open Cloze

So here's the thing: it's not too late. There's still time to lead. Speak out, speak up, call ______ what it is: lunacy. Tell the ________ people that we still have moon _____ in us. Tell the folks at the county party convention, "You bet free enterprise can solve climate change." Tell them that Milton ________ would say to tax pollution rather than profits. Tell them that it's OK — no, it's a good thing that progressives would _____. Tell them the very good news that we can _____ America together to solve these __________ and to lead the world. Tell them that free enterprise can do these things. Tell them that America must stop the dividing, and must start the uniting. Tell them. Play your part before it's too late.


  1. bring
  2. friedman
  3. lunacy
  4. agree
  5. challenges
  6. shots
  7. american

Original Text

So here's the thing: it's not too late. There's still time to lead. Speak out, speak up, call lunacy what it is: lunacy. Tell the American people that we still have moon shots in us. Tell the folks at the county party convention, "You bet free enterprise can solve climate change." Tell them that Milton Friedman would say to tax pollution rather than profits. Tell them that it's OK — no, it's a good thing that progressives would agree. Tell them the very good news that we can bring America together to solve these challenges and to lead the world. Tell them that free enterprise can do these things. Tell them that America must stop the dividing, and must start the uniting. Tell them. Play your part before it's too late.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
conservative member 12
free enterprise 4
climate change 3
milton friedman 2
sputnik moment 2
governing process 2
county party 2

Important Words

  1. agree
  2. america
  3. american
  4. bet
  5. bring
  6. call
  7. challenges
  8. change
  9. climate
  10. convention
  11. county
  12. dividing
  13. enterprise
  14. folks
  15. free
  16. friedman
  17. good
  18. late
  19. lead
  20. lunacy
  21. milton
  22. moon
  23. news
  24. part
  25. party
  26. people
  27. play
  28. pollution
  29. profits
  30. progressives
  31. shots
  32. solve
  33. speak
  34. start
  35. stop
  36. tax
  37. time
  38. uniting
  39. world